Database Update 23 February 2013
- Details
- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
The database has been updated and has grown from 227,656 to 287,927 names. The 60k surge in names is a result of capturing the names from the Chamorro Land Trust application listing and 2008 register voter list published by the Guam Pacific Daily News.
Ipaga's Apparition
- Details
- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
Ipaga, baptized as Ignacio, was from the village of Sunharon, Tinian. He allegedly had an apparition of the Blessed Virgin on August 17, 1668. His apparition consisted of the Blessed Virgin complaining of the wickedness of Saipan, referring to the wounds that Father Luis de Morales received three days earlier. The form of which the vision appeared entailed the same image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Mexico, which he had seen an oratory in one of the father's residences. Instead of her hands being together as in the image of the Immaculate Concepcion, she held two children as if she were nursing them at her breast. Next to her were eight larger children (referring to children in heaven or being schooled under Christian doctrine), who with a leash of eight strands led a dog to the feet of the Virgin, in spite of its resistance and bark; the barking referring to Choco pitting the Chamorros against the evils of baptism. (Garcia, 2004:194 & Risco, Ledesma, & Calvo, 1970:134)
UPDATE March 11, 2013: Ignatius Ipapa - Father Peter Coomans (2000:31) cites Ignacio as Ignatius and indicates his family name was "Ipapa."
2nd Marianas History Conference: Call for Papers
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- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
The 2nd Marianas History Conference
One Archipelago, Many Stories: Integrating our Histories
August 30-31, 2013
University of Guam Campus
Call for Papers
The University of Guam, Guam Preservation Trust, Guampedia, and the Northern Mariana Humanities Council are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 2nd Marianas History Conference. It will be held on the UOG Campus in Mangilao, Guam, from August 30-31 with a welcoming reception on August 29, 2013.
The conference will cover a full range of topics associated with the Archipelago's history, and papers may be submitted under the following general categories: ancient History; Early Colonial (17th-18th centuries); Late Colonial (19th-early 20th centuries); World War II; Recent (post-war); and Oral History and Genealogical Research.
In addition to papers, organizers are also accepting posters that address the conference theme and/or topics. Posters will be exhibited through the 2nd day of the conference. The organizers also encourage student presentations.
Paper and poster abstracts with a maximum of 150 words may be submitted here: Marianas History Conference 2013 Presentation Application. Please submit your bio in this same form.
The deadline for abstracts is 3 April 2013. Conference presenters will be allotted 20 minutes to present with an additional 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
There will be a $25 fee for early registrants. Those who register at the event will be charged $40. Students will be charged a $10 fee. You will be able to pay on-line at Guampedia.com Gift Shop shortly, so please check periodically for when it becomes available.
Database Update 29 January 2013
- Details
- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
The database has been updated and has grown from 226,932 to 227,656 names
A 2010 Congressional Tribute to Trust Territory Nurses
- Details
- Written by: Bernard Punzalan
This compiled list of Nurses is from the 111th Congress, Congressional Record Vol. 156, No 128, dated 22 September 2010, presented by Delegate Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan; expressing on behalf of the people of the Northern Mariana Islands, an appreciation and salute to the 259 Nurses who served the Trust Territories from 1944 to 1978.
Agulto, Dolores Reyes | Duenas, Ines Cruz | Perry, Rafaela Odoshi |
Aguon, Joaquin Santos | Duenas, Margarita Attao | Quitugua, Maria Toves |
Aldan, Jesus Castro | Duenas , Monica Camacho | Quitugua, Remedio Naog |
Aldan, Jose Palacios | Dumale, Estefania Atalig | Rabauliman, Viviana Osomai |
Aldan, Josepha Castro | Elameto, Luis Osomai | Ramos , Casimira Manglona |
Aldan , Merced Deleon Guerrero | Elidechedong , Amania Mechaet | Rangamar , Lourdes Maliti |
Aldan , Vicente Matagolai | Evangelista , Vicenta Lizama | Rasa , Dolores Cruz |
Amirez , Estefania Rabauliman | Farley, Mary | Sablan , Consolacion |
Taitano, Dionisia Atalig | Fejeran , Rosa Tenorio | Remeliik, Rasiang Fuana |
Arizapa , Lucia Villagomez | Fejeran, Rosa Maliti | Rengechel , Apolonia |
Arriola , Elena Camacho | Flawau , Rita Castro | Reyes , Angelina Sablan |
Arriola , Jesus Saimon | Fleming , Lydia Flores | Reyes, Joaquina Pangelinan |
Arriola , Magdalena Demapan | Garcia , Lorenza Mendiola | Rios, Rosario Taman |
Arriola, Maria Kokure | Guerrero, Vicente | Roberto, Maria Borja |
Atalig , Maria Benavente | Halstead , Maria Esteves | Romolor, Angela Muleta |
Atalig, Maria Hocog | Hamilton , Carmen Wesley | Rosario, Pedro San Nicolas |
Atalig , Rosina Ayuyu | Haro, Hasmid | Royal, Rosa Benavente |
Atalig , Rosario Imamura | Hocog, Ana Ogo | Royal, Takeshi Aloka |
Attao , Rosario Cabrera | Hocog, Felisisima Ada | Rubuenog, Vicente Faibar |
Attao , Teresita San Nicolas | Hocog , Maria Ayuyu | Sablan, Ana Ayuyu |
Ayuyu , Rosa Litulumar | Hofschneider , Guadalupe Reyes | Sablan, Daniel Magofna |
Babauta , Carmen Nekai | Igibara , Maria Manibusan | Sablan, Dolores Reyes |
Babauta , Maria Lizama | Igisaiar, Andres Taisacan | Sablan , Margarita Mendiola |
Babauta , Roberto San Nicolas | Iriarte, Lucia Seman | Sablan, Olympia Reyes |
Babauta , Urbano Crisostimo | Jack, Carmina Weilbacher | Sablan , Petra San Nicolas |
Barcinas , Teresita Atalig | John, Berthilia Camacho | Sablan, Ramona Cabrera |
Barcinas, Lucia Castro | John, Ensel | Sablan, Rita Diaz |
Barcinas, Sylvia | Johnson, Engracia Aldan | Sablan, Rosalia Tenorio |
Basa, Felisa Chargualaf | Kaipat, Carmen Olopai | Salas, Fidelia Sablan |
Benavente, Trinidad Arriola | Kaipat, Damiana Olkeriil | Salas , Margarita Villagomez |
Bermudes, Maria Attao | Kaipat, Diego Litulumar | Salas, Rosa Manibusan |
Billy, Maria Pura Tagabuel | Kaipat, Francisco Litulumar | San Nicolas , Isabel Manibusan |
Billy, Rita Kotomor | Kaipat, Isaac Borja | San Nicolas , Juana Manibusan |
Borja, Olympia Selepeo | Kaneshi, Natividad Dela Cruz | Santos, Dolores Apatang |
Borja, Petra Hoashi | Kileleman, Ana Igisaiar | Santos, Isabel Esteves |
Borja, Rosita San Nicolas | Kolios, Neiar | Santos, Maria Camacho |
Cabrera, Alejandro Reyes | Laird, Violet | Santos, Maria Arriola |
Cabrera, Ana Torres | Laniyo , Consolacion Limes | Santos , Maria Luisa Blanco |
Cabrera, Angelica Muna | Laniyo, Lourdes Olopai | Santos, Martha Cabrera |
Cabrera, Anita Torres | Laniyo, Mariano Repeki | Satur, Carlos Rapagau |
Cabrera, Herminia Pangelinan | Lieto, Maria Taitano | Satur, Esteban Nepaial |
Cabrera, Jose Manibusan | Limes, Teresita Pialur | Saures , Guillermo Litulumar |
Cabrera, Magdalena Brel | Ling, Hermana | Saures, Lourdes Mettao |
Cabrera, Maria Duenas | Lisua, Daniel Mettao | Sedmik , Maria Benavente |
Cabrera, Maria Dela Cruz | Lizama , Dionicio Mendiola | Seman , Antonia Rabauliman |
Cabrera, Victorina Blas | Lizama, Joaquin Reyes | Seman, Isabel Jones |
Calvo, Salomae Hocog | Lizama, Juana Hocog | Seman , Margarita Benavente |
Camacho, Clara Taman | Lizama, Maria Ada | Skilling, John Frank |
Camacho , Dolores Benavente | Lizama, Soledad Mesngon | Skilling , Teresita Wabol |
Camacho, Estefania Flores | Lizama-Torres , Carmen Mendiola | Songao , Cresencia Maratita |
Camacho, Fermina Mendiola | Macaranas, Susana Rogopes | Songao, Francisco Maratita |
Camacho , Lucia Leon Guerrero | Malmstrom , Vivian Nee Adamson | Songsong , Mary Grace Lejjena |
Camacho, Namiko Ketebengang | Manahane , Magdalena Sablan | Stoll, Maria Asuncion |
Camacho, Rita Duenas | Manglona , Milagro Hocog | Suzuki , Carmen Maratita |
Camacho, Rosa Ada | Manglona , Magdalena Manglona | Tagabuel , Margarita Somol |
Camacho, Rosa Blanco | Manibusan , Delfina Villagomez | Taimanao, Gisina Songao |
Castro, Ana Songsong | Marciano-Hosono , Donicia Rasiang | Taimanao , Gloria Ramos |
Castro, Carmen Moses | Masga, Francisco Acosta | Taitano, Marcelina Atalig |
Castro, Daniel Pangelinan | Masga, Maria Cruz | Taro, Sabina Rivera |
Castro, Loretta Mesngon | Maui, Nathania | Tenorio, Lino Pangelinan |
Castro, Maria Manibusan | Mendiola, Martha Muna | Tenorio, Maria Hattori |
Castro, Ruth Albert | Mercado, Bernadita Reyes | Tenorio, Natividad Cruz |
Castro , Taeko Elizabeth Kumangai | Mettao, Juan Itibus | Tenorio, Rita Sablan |
Celis, Antonia Taimanao | Mongkeya, Likiak Kun | Tenorio, Soledad Takai |
Celis, Maria Muna | Mongkeya, Lorenza Ilo | Teregeyo , Elena Litulumar |
Celis, Rita Sablan | Muna, Carmen Santos | Teregeyo, Enriquetta Peter |
Cepeda, Antonio Santos | Muna, Isidro Camacho | Thompson , Maria Reyes |
Cepeda, Juan Cruz | Muna, Vicenta Santos | Tmakiung, Dirruchei Terry |
Cepeda, Rosa Manibusan | Naog, Jose | Tomokane , Jovita Blanco |
Charfauros , Ana Maria Gogue | Nekai, Isidro | Torres , Antonia Cabrera |
Chong, Ramona Seman | Norita, Rosa San Nicolas | Torres, Francisco Ada |
Concepcion, Carmen Attao | Olopai, Dominina Fitial | Torres, Maria Jones |
Cox, Irminia Benavente | Omar, Gregoria Fitial | Torres-Untalan , Elizabeth Sablan |
Crisostomo , Conrado Deleon Guerrero | Paeda, Elizabeth Atalig | Toves, Rita Songao |
Dela Cruz, Ana Kokure | Palacios, Maria Indalecio | Towai , Sophia Olopai |
Dela Cruz, Jesus Ogo | Palacios, Maria Taman | Tudela , Consolacion Faisao |
Deleon Guerrero , Francisco Palacios | Palacios, Milagro Sablan | Tudela , Margarita Cabrera |
Deleon Guerrero , Gustav Acosta | Palacios, Remedio Santos | Tudela , Remedio Bermudes |
Deleon Guerrero , Mariana Camacho | Palacios, Rita Taman | Udui, Maria Salii |
Demapan, Anunciasion Cruz | Pangelinan, Dolores Cepeda | Villagomez , Isabel Camacho |
Demapan, Justina Rdiall | Pangelinan, Jose Basa | Villagomez , Margarita Aquininog |
Demapan, Luis Cepeda | Pangelinan, Juan Basa | Waki, Lourdes Santos |
Demapan, Micaela Sablan | Pangelinan , Magdalena Terlaje | Weilbacher , Josepha Arriola |
Diaz, Juanita Duenas | Pangelinan, Maria Aldan | Ythemar, Donicia Pialur |
Diaz, Maria Mendiola | Pangelinan , Maria Fitzgerald | Ythemar, Paul Joseph |
Dim, Elisa Maratita | Pangelinan, Maxima Cruz | |
Dudley, Elizabeth Naputi | Perry, Paul William |
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