Miguel Maria Ventura

He was a Chamorro child no older than two years of age. He was found alive around July 13, 1674, which was also the eve of St. Buenaventura, at a town near Chuchugu, Guam (possibly Machaute).

His mother, who was carrying him, unfortunately was caught in the middle of a nighttime skirmish (Battles of Chuchugu) and died from some spear wounds.

After being found by some soldiers, he was taken to Father Alonso Lopez and was immediately baptized with the name Miguel Maria Ventura.


Source: Rodrigue Levesque. 1995. History of Micronesia, A Collection of Source Documents, Volume 6 – Revolts in the Marianas, 1673-1678, pg. 296 & 431. Levesque Publications: Quebec, Canada


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