Mariano Roy Cruz Leon Guerrero

Guaifi Kulo’: Meet retired Command Sergeant Major Mariano Roy Cruz Leon Guerrero; a living legend of Chamorro descent and of the Chamorro diaspora.

It is quite an honor to know and have my picture taken with CSM (R) Mariano Roy Cruz Leon Guerrero, manggåfan Dicta. He is one of several living legends of Chamorro descent currently residing in Washington State.

This distinguished gentleman is currently the Vice President of the National Organization of Chamorro Veterans, Washington State Chapter and also serves as a Board Member for The Pointe Du Hoc Foundation.

In 1991, Leon Guerrero was recognized and inducted as as distinguished member of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Later in 1997, he was inducted in the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame.

Leon Guerrero is a highly decorated soldier with more than 26 years of US Army service that included combat tours from Vietnam through Desert Storm. He held the prestigious Command Sergeant Major positions for the 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Infantry, and retiring as the Regimental Command Sergeant Major of the 75th Ranger Regiment in 1993.

After his distinguished military career, he became a teacher of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) and Social Studies at the Governor John R. Rogers High School, Puyallup, WA from 1994-2000, and then serving in his current capacity as a School Counselor for Emerald Ridge High School, Puyallup, WA from 2001 to present.

If any of you have ever served with him or know of him please share with us your stories. Indeed, he is a very humble man and a living legend of Chamorro descent residing in Washington State. Guaifi kulo’!


____. The History of Rogers Junior ROTC. Retrieved February 20, 2016 from:

____. Point Du Hoc Foundation, retrieved February 20, 2016 from:

____. Ranger Hall of Fame, retrieved February 20, 2016 from:

Adams, B. 2014. Jungle Man LG Served and Led in Vietnam. Retrieved from:

Bhamanyar, M. 2005. Shadow Warriors: A History of US Army Rangers. Osprey Publishing. New York, NY.

Hecht, R. 2006. Patrolling. 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc, Vol. 21, Issue I. Retrieved February 20, 2016 from:


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