Even a 90 year old short article published in a historical publication such as the Guam Recorder April 1924 edition, can be a meaningful piece of history in one’s family. How many people can recall or have documented a Carabao Bull Cart accident in their family?

Guam Recorder April 1924

[I must admit at the time of this writing I was under the gun and placed more effort toward getting my 1930 Census Book out of editing and proof-reading so that it could be published, printed and out in the market. However, I am committed to blogging at least one article a week, no matter how long or short so here's one. This may continue to be the case until I am able to also complete the 1940 Census transcription project. There are over 1,000 Census sheets to transcribe, so the transcription challenge keeps getter larger.]

Cron Job Starts