“It isn’t often in life that you have a chance to be a part of something like this, that is the first of its kind and will educate so many, and benefit so many.” ~Guma’ CHamoru
After messaging back and forth with Jeff Macaraeg, President of the House of Chamorros, I will be donating some of the CHamoru Roots Genealogy Project transcription books and essays as part of a genealogy collection for their Library. But much more needs to be done.
Therefore, I am also reaching out to everyone and a call for donations to continue supporting Guma’ CHamoru, House of Chamorros, in San Diego, CA. Construction is expected to be completed by March 2021, and if all works out well the planned move in timeframe will be around June 2021. Like everything else, COVID-19 has adversely impacted the progress and assistance towards this effort. Funds are still needed for the interior of the Guma’. Please spare what you are able to support this endeavor. Put fabot, ayuda.
For more information the Guma’ CHamoru please click on website link below.