gadaoIn 1672, Agao, a Chamorro warrior, narrowly escaped death through "the swiftness of his feet," from a Spaniard while accompanying Maga'lahi Hurao.

"On the eleventh of May, one of our soldiers encountered two natives who had been leaders of the war in Guam. It happened that one of these natives was Hurao, who tried to exterminate the fathers and the Spaniards. The sight of him reminded the Spaniard of the past war, and he ran Hurao through with his sword, leaving him dead, and would have done the same with the other, Agao, if the latter had not availed himself of the swiftness of his feet." (Garcia, 2004:386)


Francisco Garcia. 2004. The Life and Martyrdom of the Venerable Father Diego Luis de San Vitores. Guam: University of Guam

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