The 1st Marianas History Conference will be held from June 14-16, 2012 at the Fiesta Resort, Saipan. Unfortunately, I unable to attend this year, but I am certainly planning for the next conference and also plan on delivering a presentation on Chamorro genealogy.
For those who are able to attend this year's conference, Ms. Jillette Leon-Guerrero, a research collaborator of the Chamorro Roots Genealogy Project, will be presenting "Genealogy Research: Challenges, Tools, and Techniques," on Friday from 9:15am - 9:45am, June 15, 2012.
Gof impotante este historian Chamoru yan i hale-mame. Hu agredesi todos hamyu put i suppoten miyu; kontodu hamyu manmanhi-hu i chenchu'le-mu para i checho-hu. Biba Chamoru!