1946 Richard Flores Taitano and Maria Aflleje 1947 Richard Taitano Maria Aflleje

Pictured in 1946 is Richard Flores Taitano and Maria Aflleje, with a layover in Hawaii and enroute to Berea College, Kentucky.  The second photo was featured 1947 in the The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky during their attendance at the college.

Richard Taitano served many years as a public servant with many accomplishments. He was the Valedictorian for his 1940 class on Guam. For more information about him see: https://www.guampedia.com/richard-flores-taitano/


If anyone has information or stories to share about Maria Aflleje, I would certainly appreciate adding it to the Chamorro Roots Genealogy Project. Her education and training at Berea College was prepping her for a teaching career on Guam.

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