The database has been updated and has grown from 216,738 to 220,146 names. The transcription and proofreading for District 4 of the 1930 Census has been completed and now uploaded. District 13: Naval Reservations and Ships, has been one of the bigger challenges to transcribe since most of the Census sheets are very difficult to read. Many of the names unfortunately are illegible; however, many of the Chamorro names within that District are legible.

Current Database Profile:

Total Individuals: 220,146
Total Males: 111,532 (50.66%)
Total Females: 106,924 (48.57%)
Total Unknown Gender: 1,690 (0.77%)
Total Living: 113,150
Total Families: 55,948
Total Unique Surnames: 10,797
Total Photos: 2,353
Total Sources: 827
Average Lifespan: 51 years, 262 days
Earliest Birth: Sunama, abt 1580
Longest Lived/Age
Maria Masongsong: 109 years
Joaquin Mendiola Benavente: 109 years
Concepcion Asencion Pablo: 105 years 352 days
Manuel Sococo: 104 years
Vicente Ramirez Tudela: 104 years
Dolores Aguigui Cruz : 104 years
Isabel Taitano (Beck) Perez: 102 years 133 days
Maria Perez (Mariquita) Leon Guerrero: 102 years
Joseph (Alou) Igisaiar: 102 years

Cron Job Starts