Bernard Punzalan

What we have, what we own, and what we will share....

The journey to FestPac included the first ever Festival of Chamorro Arts (FoCHA) in San Diego, CA sponsored by the Chamorro Hands in Education Links Unity (CHELU) back on January 16, 2016. FoCHA was the introductory event for the Guam Delegates selected from the diaspora (those residing away from our Islands).

During the morning part of FoCHA I presented an on-stage 15 minute overview of the Chamorro Diaspora. Later that afternoon, I conducted a 45 minute Chamorro Roots Genealogy Project workshop.

For FestPac, I will continue to lead and present these two events.

Part of our story is the Chamorro Diaspora story...My team (Vince Diaz, Sakman Mario, Trish Shook - Chief Editor and me) will be presenting a collection of these short biographical stories and video montage of Faces of the Chamorro Diaspora. This Chamorro Disaspora Seminar is scheduled for May 25, 2016, 9:00am - 5:00pm, University of Guam class (exact location TBD).

From June 2-3, 2016, University of Guam (Computer Lab), I will be facilitating a one and one-half day genealogy workshop titled, "Memorializing Our Family Roots." I have three special guest speakers who will be talking about their Chamorro genealogy work and efforts: Jillette Leon-Guerrero, Påle' Eric Forbes, and Anthony "Malia" Ramirez. This workshop will also include hands-on genealogy research for participants and then closing out with participants sharing their genealogy story.

So excited to be a part of and contribute to this grand and historic event!

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